Saturday, December 28, 2013

Something Saturdays (12/28/13)

Hallo! Hope you all don't mind that I took yesterday off from posting, I'm just super swept up in Christmas stuff, wedding stuff, and being home, etc. etc.

Speaking of...I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! What'd ya do? Didja get any good presents?

This Christmas was mostly a money and small things year, but I loved all the things I got! My favorite is probably the adorable ornament my mom got me (if you look closed it's in the instagram collage below with my other Christmas gifts from mom and josh)--it's a ring box with a ring and it says "Our Engagement" with mine and Michael's names and the date we got engaged. SO CUTE. And I've really just enjoyed spending time with mine and Michael's families.

And wedding stuff has gotten reeeeeal. First, I argued with my dad over his section of the guest list. Then, with my mom and MoH Alex there, I tried on my mom's wedding dress (which no one has seen in 25ish years since she had it preserved): I've always dreamed of wearing her dress's actually pretty cute on me. And still white! There are definitely A LOT of alterations that need to be made (fixing yellowed lace, de-puff-ing the sleeves, actually making it so the dress zips up because my mom was itty bitty when she got married). But it's pretty darned exciting. AND we had our first appointment to check out a reception space yesterday, which I also did with mom and Alex (we were supposed to see our first place on Thursday, and Michael was there for that, but the people never showed up sooo...that's a no lol). This place was BEAUTIFUL! It is a definite contender. And I'm like just so stoked.

Today I have Christmas-es for Michael's dad's side of the family and my mom's side, then tomorrow I have 2 more reception spaces to check out (including the one that has been the front runner). EEP!

I'm having so much FUN!

Posts from this week

Recipes from the blog that I made this week
Crisp and Fluffy Whole Wheat Waffles (I used all white whole wheat flour, not the best)
Instagram Lately (a few highlights from this week-and last-on Instagram)
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I love it when you try & want to share recipes you found here! Please just rewrite in your own words, use your own photos, & always link back to me! Thanks!

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