...chocolate makes it go down easier.
Who am I? Why am I quoting The Princess Bride?
Let me 'splain.
No, there is too much. Let me sum up:
The Princess Bride is my absolute FAVORITE movie-OF ALL TIME. (If you are not familiar with it, you're going to be quite confused, as I will be quoting in frequently. My apologies.) I stumbled upon it one day when I was 14, was intrigued by the title, watched it-and I.WAS.HOOKED! I literally watched it approx. 5 times a day for 2 weeks (then I had to return it to the library...but my mom bought it for me shortly after because she was tired of my whining). And, I was delighted to find out once we started dating, it is Michael's favorite movie too! He (lucky duck) actually was raised with this movie, it's one of his family's favorites, as well. We own two copies-mine is the "Buttercup Edition" and his is the "20th Anniversary edition". PLUS-our wedding song (you know...for our first dance) is going to be "Storybook Love", which is the movie's theme (and also our ring-tones for each other).
The Princess Bride was severely underrated when it came out-but, obviously, has a HUGE cult following. It has everything! "Fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles..."
Romance: "This is true love-you think this happens every day?"
Drama: "My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father, prepare to die."
Comedy: "Stop that rhyming now, I mean it!" "Anybody want a peanut?"
When I saw that
MyFudo was looking for guest bloggers (for a contest which was then canceled) to speak about their favorite movies + a recipe corresponding, my choice was obvious. But what to make? One idea that we thought of were Peanut-Buttercup-Cookies, which I thought was cute, but I just kept going back to this idea: Iocane-Dusted Brownies of Unusual Size.
"What you do not smell is called Iocane powder. It is odorless, tasteless,dissolves instantly in liquid..."
My first thought was something that had "Iocane powder" dusted on it--AKA, powdered sugar. Then, I got a little stumped again, I was thinking brownies, but it was stilling missing something...enter Michael's idea.
"..what about the R.O.U.S.'s?"
"Rodents of Unusual Size? I don't think they exist."
Of course! BROWNIES of Unusual Size...because...you know...no one likes rats, but EVERYONE likes brownies! So that is what I did-and let me tell you, these were GREAT! Not only are the HUGE and pretty because of that "Iocane" dusting, but also they are so fudgey and dense and delicious. And, an added bonus, if you are not a "princess bride" and short on funds, this recipe is great because the only chocolate it uses is cocoa powder-none of that super expensive fancy chocolate. I advise that you immediately make these, grab your significant other, your best friend, or just your wonderful self, sit down and watch The Princess Bride while eating these huge, decadent, Iocane dusted, Brownies of Unusual Size.