Saturday, August 15, 2020

Something Saturdays (8/15/20)

Hi everyone!

I'm sorry for falling off the face of the planet. But Rose is older, I'm trying to make some time for the blog, and here we go!

First...I want to check in and not pretend that everything is totally normal. It's not. We're dealing with a global pandemic and a lot of social and economic issues. Life is very much in flux and very scary and hard right now. We are very fortunate to have not been hit badly economically, no one we personally know has gotten sick, and we also recognize we have quite a bit of privilege on the social issues front. We're trying very hard to be outspoken and proactive about the need we all have to change and learn and be anti-racist (google it! As I find helpful articles relating to all of these things I'll be sure to share on here and on my Instagram. One thing I have for the moment is this really great list of over 300 black owned businesses-specifically in Ohio but also nationwide.).

And yeah, on a personal level, we've just been pretty much quarantined. We don't go anywhere except doctor's appointments and occasionally a grocery run (Michael has had to go into work a handful of times but his office is only allowing 2 people in at a time, one on each floor). An exception was that our car lease was up so Michael had to go to the dealership to pick up our new minivan (yes, we have committed hard to parenthood and frankly I'm stoked about it. Ya soon as we're able to actually go anywhere). 


But aside from that, it's just us. Here. We don't see anyone. We're really trying our best to keep our exposure as close to 0 as possible because, frankly, it's scary and we don't want to risk our kids. But it sucks. I miss people and places and things (I miss nouns!) We have been able to enjoy the time together as a family of 4 and that has been wonderful. So...all in all...we're lucky and happy and healthy. I just want everyone to be able to say the same <3 

Posts from this week 

Recipes from the blog that I've made lately
We've started meal planning and OH MY GOD it's made my life so much easier. Here's what we've made from the blog this last week: 
Cheesy Chicken and Potato Chowder

Cheddar Biscuits

Movies/TV Talk (assume there'll be spoilers)
13th-This documentary is so eye opening and so important for everyone (in the US, at least) to watch. I feel like it really connects some dots and explains some things that most of us never knew or even thought about. It's available on Netflix and also in full, for free, on YouTube.

Hamilton-Like...obviously it was just as good as everyone said. I love love love everything about it. And I think every musical should do this with its original cast and then release it after a certain amount of time. It's not the same as seeing it in theatre but it's such a great option for most of us who can't get to Broadway to see it. 

The Lion King (2019)-You know what? I liked it. I appreciated it visually and liked the casting choices (I was kind of meh on Beyonce though-I know, I know, blasphemy-but she was fine). 

Instagram Lately 
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