Woo! It's been a crazy week. Last weekend, in particular, was go go go. Saturday, we went to a family party for Michael's mom's side in Youngstown, which is over an hour away, and all things considered, James did really well. He didn't nap as long as normal so he was extra sleepy, but other than that he held up and it was fun! Then, Sunday, we went to Michael's cousin's house to meet their brand new baby. Michael and his cousin, Vince, are only a month apart so it's exciting that we now have babies close in age! It was so crazy to hold their sweet little girl, because I already can't remember James being that tiny. Like...what?! It was so so nice to visit and have them to go through this new parent journey with us, we loved it (but, again, poor little James was so tired after the whole thing). Monday we had an appointment for James that took awhile and poor little guy got poked a lot for bloodwork, which killed Michael and I. We also briefly brought him to Michael's work to meet a couple of his co-workers. After that things got more normal, on Tuesday my mom came and had such a happy lovely visit with James. We spent the rest of the week just hanging out, then on Thursday/Friday my little nugget started going through a growth spurt which has meant not so much in the way of sleep for anyone. (Fingers crossed it ends soon!)

I know it's late but I made this collage of all my pregnancy photos and it's crazy to see how I grew over the weeks! Being pregnant already feels like a very distant memory and I can't believe that was James in there!
Movies/TV Talk (assume there'll be spoilers)
Jane the Virgin-I'm just gonna say for the millionth time how stoked I am that Rafael and Jane are together!
Instagram Lately (a few highlights from this week on Instagram)