How far along: 28 (29 on Friday) weeks
Due Date: December 15, 2017
Baby's Size: "a large eggplant" according to my app.
Total weight gain/loss: Gained 15 lbs so far (so pretty much right on track. I'm a small person so we're hoping I don't gain more than 25 lbs. overall).
Maternity clothes: Yepp yepp yepp, just a couple really flowy non-maternity things still fit (not including pj's and leggings, I'm still wearing my pre-maternity ones of those).
Stretch marks: I'm still warily keeping an eye out, but thus far no sign.
Sleep: It's not bad, I have to wake up a couple times to pee (of course) and need to sleep with a body pillow between my legs but overall I can't complain.
Best moment of this week: I'm loving any time I get to spend with Michael and I know these moments are extra precious since soon it won't be just the two of us anymore.
Miss anything: Having more clothing options and being able to just eat and feel comfortable lol.
Movement: He's developed some patterns for sure and his movements are super evident. It's always crazy to really feel him moving and see it from the outside too!
Food cravings: Nothing in particular.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still nothing unusual at this point!
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes lol. Although I'm told from the back you can't tell and that I'm pretty much just carrying around a beach ball belly-which I am more than ok with!
Gender: boy!
Labor signs: No, not yet--still some time hopefully!
Belly button in or out: Barely in lol.
Wedding rings on or off: Still on-I've been fortunate to not really have swelling.
Happy or moody most of the time: I'm a pretty happy lady :)
Looking forward to: Our childbirth classes start on October 15th and I have another baby shower on the 22nd, but aside from that just continuing to get the nursery ready and enjoying feeling him move more and more!