Omigosh last weekend was crazy, but good. I worked but then we also had graduation parties for my cousins on Sat and Sun and James actually did really well meeting all those new people. Monday we went to another party, a friend's daughters' 9th birthday. Tuesday and Wednesday we mostly just relaxed and I did some cooking. Thursday was fun because I was cast in a local commercial and they ended up hiring Michael and James as well to play my husband and baby. James was only on set for like 15 minutes, he'll only be seen for a second, but it was super fun to do with my real family :)
This weekend is nice because I DON'T WORK! And we aren't doing like...anything. Except that tomorrow Michael and I are going out to dinner (for the 2nd time since James was born)-probably as an early anniversary dinner. I'm so excited!
Posts from this week
Movies/TV Talk (assume there'll be spoilers)
Westworld-GAHH SO MANY THINGS ARE HAPPENING! This show is still so freaking good.
Instagram Lately (a few highlights from this week on Instagram)