Saturday, January 6, 2018

Something Saturdays (1/6/18)

Michael went back to work this week-sort of. He worked full days Tuesday and Wednesday, a half day Thursday, and took yesterday off. Next week he'll work Monday-Wednesday and then take Thursday and Friday off and then, after the holiday on Monday, he'll be pretty much fully back. It's been so nice having him home so we definitely miss him. And he super hates being back, lol.  BUT the good news is-he graduated with his master's degree (his graduation date was actually James' due date. He missed his last class because it was the day after James was born lol.) SO-life shouldn't be as crazy for him now that he's done with school.

We also started sleep training this week (using Babywise if anyone was curious). It's going pretty darn well! Some naps and nights are better than others and it's definitely not perfect but, considering the kid is going to be 4 weeks old tomorrow, I'm actually super impressed with how well it's going. I do miss all my baby snuggles though :( Having him nap in his crib makes it easier to do things but I miss our  cuddle time. Once he has more awake time, though, I'll get to spend more time with him. Plus, once the routine is set up an occasional nap in mommy's arms won't be a big deal lol.

But yeah, I feel like we're starting to get our heads above water and James is pretty much the cutest thing that has ever existed and he gets cuter every single day! AH!

Posts from this week 

Recent links bookmarked (visit my Pinterest for more)

Movies/TV Talk (assume there'll be spoilers)
Law & Order SVU-Well I feel stupid for not seeing that coming.

Instagram Lately (a few highlights from this week on Instagram)

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