Ahhhh seriously busy busy busy around here! I went through my old boxes of stuff from my mom's house (ah, nostalgia), I put lots more baby stuff away, did more baby laundry, installed our carseats, did some cleaning, decorated for Christmas (he's due in December! Don't judge me for getting a jump on it!), did some work on setting up Michael's student loan repayments (oh joy), etc. etc. Poor Michael and I are so exhausted and we still have so much to do *sigh*. BUT we also really enjoyed this week's childbirth class (we learned about pain management and the whole labor process and watched a video of a birth-Michael cried twice <3. He also learned about techniques to use to be a good support person and honestly he's just going to be amazing, I'm so so lucky!) and got to spend a little bit of time together when he took the day off from work yesterday. And we're getting super excited about how soon we're going to get to meet our little guy. It's a lot but it's also pretty awesome :)
Posts from this week
Posts from this week
Recipes from the blog that I made this week
Butter Cream Chicken
Recent links bookmarked (visit my Pinterest for more)
Butter Cream Chicken
Recent links bookmarked (visit my Pinterest for more)
Salted Caramel Chocolate Brioche Twist (bell'alimento)
Movies/TV Talk (assume there'll be spoilers)
This Is Us-Randall reminds me so much of Michael sometimes (I'm referring to adult dad-to-be Randall to be specific). Also I feel much better about the Miguel thing knowing that they got together so much later after Jack's death, that's way less upsetting.
This Is Us-Randall reminds me so much of Michael sometimes (I'm referring to adult dad-to-be Randall to be specific). Also I feel much better about the Miguel thing knowing that they got together so much later after Jack's death, that's way less upsetting.