I wish I could properly type out a cry of victory.
Meh. It'll do. The important fact to take away is this: I love my mom's pot roast. And I have been unable to replicate it myself. UNTIL NOW! YIPPEE!
This pot roast recipe has been my white whale for YEARS now, and what's funny is....IT'S NOT EVEN HARD TO MAKE. Like....it's kind of insanely easy (you don't even need to sear the meat--the only dish you're gonna dirty is the crockpot! And cutting board...but still.) So why did I have problems? I didn't have the correct kind of slow cooker--I had a super old one that didn't have low and high settings-it had temperatures. And it seems like it couldn't cook it slow enough. I don't know, but what I do know is that I now have a real, beautiful, crock-pot and I took my mom's roast and made it my own.

This was the recipe that my mom would always make for my birthday, or when I came to visit. And apparently the fact that I love roast caught on because then my mothers in law also started to make me their recipes. And they're ALL good. But...you know. There's something about the recipe that you grew up with...it's special. So I'm a bit partial. But...you know...I also am pretty into this whole cooking/baking thing. So I
very slightly improved upon the recipe. But in minuscule ways (namely I added onions and I cut the potatoes smaller so they would cook all the way through, as my mom's tend to be hard and uncooked in the middle sometimes because they're too big of chunks).
Anyway. Let me tell you about this roast--it falls apart. Like...insanely tender. SO flavorful. And you can really add any veggies you want (like carrots, for example) but I'm a big fan of potatoes and onions (yes...those orange veggies are potatoes--cooking in the juices turns them that color. And makes them melt in your mouth delicious). This is gonna be your new fave. I'm so excited. It was so good.