Lately...I've been craving guacamole. And I haven't been able to get it (I keep meaning to go to this one Mexican restaurant we love but it hasn't happened yet) so...I finally just decided to make my own. Because that's what we food bloggers do. least...that's usually what I do. And really...there's no reason that all of us shouldn't make our own guacamole! IT IS SO EASY! And insaaanely quick to make!
Funny fact--apparently my dad and grandma (heck..probably all of my grandparents) have never tried guacamole. And one time (a time my brother and I still enjoy a good giggle over) my mom pronounced guac "GWYE-ACK" (admittedly on accident--she does know how to correctly pronounce it). So...I don't come from a particularly adventurous food background. But somehow...I love guacamole. And I am so happy that I do.

First a little tip on avocado ripeness--you're going to want the avocado skin to be very dark and have give when you squeeze it. If it's suuuper soft when you squeeze it-it may be over-ripe, but you can still cut it open and use any parts that are still green and not brown! Another tip for good guac is DO NOT BE AFRAID OF SALT!'re gonna want to be generous. And also, this recipe is definitely one of those taste and adjust sort of situations--some of the ingredients aren't going to have amounts because you should sort of just add however much tastes good to you, you know? I know the first time you make something that is super frustrating but I promise after you make it once and figure it just makes sense!
Oh and after you've made the guacamole, if you don't finish it and want some leftovers and are concerned about it turning brown here's another little tip: spray the top of the guacamole with cooking spray and cover the top with plastic wrap (so that the wrap is pressing on all of the guacamole)--it helps!
Avocadoes are potentially the only thing that I like and Michael doesn't, so I had to eat all the guacamole myself. Which...even though it didn't look like actually was. So this might be best to serve if you're entertaining or have at least a couple people to eat it--because I had a difficult time finishing it by myself.
Also--don't limit yourself to eating this deliciousness with just chips! Quesadillas, flautas, and even french fries are so good dipped in the guac and it's also tasty on sandwiches!
Guacamole is too good to only enjoy one way.