Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Rose-4 Months!

Eeep! This one is super late. I've been really busy + we didn't have her appointment until the 29th.

Date: June 20, 2020

Height: 24.29 inches (as of her appointment Monday)

Weight: 14 lbs. 14.5 oz. (^as of Monday)

Sleeping Pattern: So a bunch of stuff kind of hit and changed right around when she turned 4 months and I barely remember what she was doing before. I think she had approximately hour long waketimes during the day, with 4 naps and sometimes a 5th catnap. And then some nights she sleeps through the night and some she doesn't! It's sort of variable. If she wakes up it's usually between 4 and 5:30am. But, schedule change ups aside, her routine is pretty solid. She gets put in her sleepsack and swaddled with her arms out while singing to her, then we usually just transfer her right to her crib for naps (she usually has already assumed her sleepy-time stance at this point: sucking her right thumb while her left hand holds onto/plays with her hair). Bedtime is a diaper change, getting dressed, sleepsack, then I sing while I nurse her also. Sometimes she falls asleep while nursing and sometimes she doesn't, but she always goes right to sleep after I put her in her crib. She's such a sweet girl.

Eating Habits: Typical of her age, Rose started struggling more with eating. Getting distracted, unlatching a lot, stuff like that. Some of that has been solved recently when I changed her schedule and eliminated a feeding so she's hungrier. But she's still a nice quick eater: usually she wants to stop after 5-10 minutes, but I try to make her eat for at least 10 or more. I always worry that she hasn't eaten enough (even though she's such a cute chunk). 

Development & Firsts: The big one is that little lady had her first laugh! On May 29 we were coming down the stairs and James was stomping and going "STOMP! STOMP!" and she just started giggling like crazy. Oh man it was sweet. She responds to her name. Object permanence has happened which means she has had some occasions where she gets upset that you're not paying attention to her or have left her (like for nap time). We've been playing peek-a-boo to work on it, and I think it's getting better! She's started sleeping in her own room all night and has her arms free of the swaddle. Other than that, she's gotten into toys and can grab them and pick them up and hold them aaaand most of all chew on them. Teething has really ramped up, too. And she still occasionally rolls from front to back. Sometimes she'll roll to her side while on her back but that's about it so far.  She's big on scooting, she frequently rotates herself 90 degrees to get to the items I put next to her on tummy time (in my attempts to encourage rolling).

Mischief: Honestly the most mischievous thing she does is when she won't eat because she's too busy smiling and cooing at you hahaha, it's the sweetest kind of mischief! She also usually thinks my reaction to finding a poop in her diaper is pretty funny, but in all is lol. Oh and she does the talk-yell arguing with me and chews on everything. The best is she also likes to give BIIIIG kisses but also sort of try to chew on my face in a semi-attacking manner lol.

Cuteness: It's pretty  much all the same as last month-she's gosh darned adorable and sweet and happy almost all the time. I love her cute chunky cheeks and kissy mouth and tiny boop of a nose and big eyes and AHHH the hair (which has begun getting long enough that it's not really sticking up anymore-at least not naturally. Now it sticks up because she grabs at it in her sleep). Rose's sleep pose is so cute: right thumb goes right to her mouth and left hand grabs her hair. A sure sign she's feeling sleepy and she stays pretty much frozen in that position while I'm getting her in her sleepsack and then transferring her to her crib. I love it. And the fact that she just has to stop eating to smile and coo at me like...what. What did I do to deserve this pure and precious being?? Her eyes smile so sweetly, like, even if you can't see her mouth (or if its ya know, eating) you can tell she is smiling. Her big gummy happy grins are everything. She just loves to be in mine, Michael's, and James' presence. Rose has in fact gotten a bit clingy-she'll really hold on to you when you're holding her (usually a shirt but in my case it's usually my hair and OUCH-it's cute, but painful). She'll even sort of put her hands out to you to tell you she wants to be held or that she wants to grab you face (for kisses, of course. She still coughs for her kiss demands). Rosie discovered James' baby doll the other day and she immediately just cradled it like she was holding a baby and kissed it's head (admittedly in a much more drooly fashion than one normally kisses a baby's head) but I was blown away by this baby holding a baby. She also enjoys when I play with her feet or tickle her or make her dance or talk in silly voices or rub my head on her belly or when she's naked or gets dressed up or sees a toy or stuffed animal she likes or.....yeah. She's happy a lot of the time. Her talking is so funny because she has like two modes: sweetly and gently cooing at you (goooo, ahhhh, blowing little bubbles, etc.) or loud and assertive lol. It's either an enthusiastic "GAHHH!" or her talk-yelling where she is just making sure we are aware of her thoughts and feelings. It's good, she'll need that strength when dealing with her brother. OH MY GOD SPEAKING OF HER BROTHER. Rose and James...I can't handle it. They're too sweet. Too cute. She gets stoked AF over him-like she sees him and flips out she grins SO HUGE. He'll hold her hand when we walk downstairs after getting her from a nap and she's in heaven. He gave her her 1st laugh by stomping behind her on the stairs. He's frequently coming over to talk to her or cuddle her and she just loves it. He's her absolute favorite, she's always watching him and trying to coo and smile at him to get his attention. It's the most amazing thing and makes my heart swell. One day we had like a family dance session with each of us holding one of the kids and I swear she said "iiii" (like hi, ya know) to James and also was like "sing" cooing. She's perfect. 

Nicknames: Rosie, Rosie Rose, Rosie Posy, Baby Rose, Baby girl, Pretty girl, Lady, Ladybug, Chunk/Chunk-a-munk, "Little Chub/Chubby" (James calls her that), Scoots (Michael calls her that), Fuzzy Head, Sweetling, Sweetie-girl, Cutie-girl, Honey girl, Honey bun, Little miss, Missy, Ma'am, Sweetness, Love, combinations of all of the above...

Talking: Lots of sweet cooing still (especially when trying to get the attention of her beloved big brother) but she's really found her voice and sass this month. She'll put you in your place and make sure you know how she feels about things lol. It very much feels like she is talking to you in an assertive fashion. Her cough requests for kisses are still going strong too. 

Favorites: JAMES, mommy, and daddy. Anything with a face (baby doll, stuffed animals, caterpillar on her activity gym, her grandparents on Facetime.) Smiling and being smiled at/attention in general. Mirrors. Kisses. Her feet being clapped together/played with. Being held and snuggled. Eating. Sleeping. The activity gym. Toys (I think her favorite might be this one but she likes having a variety). Being naked and being dressed up. Getting dirty diapers taken off.

Dislikes:  Teething, shots (obviously), not getting enough sleep, and being left for too long? Maybe getting bored with doing too much of one thing (or when her brother gets too rough with her but she has a pretty high tolerance for his shenanigans)....other than that yeah she's still pretty happy generally.

Concerns: Same as last month-nothing really just constant concern over COVID and hating that she doesn't get to socialize or be loved on by our friends and family.

A Day in the Life: Her schedule has been all over the place this last month thanks to leap 4 and just getting older and stuff but it's the same gist as last month. And next month's schedule will probably be more accurate for where she is now. Essentially she wakes up, eats, we play, then sleep again. A cycle of that + taking care of her brother. Then she sleeps (in her crib, in her room) from 7:30/8 until morning or wakes up usually 4-5:30am. 

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