Oh sweet, gooey, wonderful toasty melty s'mores.
Today is the last day of May so, as far as I'm concerned, summer is officially about to start! (Plus, um, it's 90 degrees here.) And there are few things that make me think more about summer than s'mores. So, to start this (what I can tell will be crazy amazing) summer off right, I've got a round up of all the s'mores recipes here on the blog-so far :P
(This is not to say that anything will ever top the purity of 2 graham crackers, a slab of chocolate, and 1-or 2-toasted marshmallows, sandwiched together into the perfect treat. But I assume you people are all smart and know how to make those. And sometimes we need to take our fave desserts and fuse them with out other beloved sweets. And that is what you are about to see.)
Homemade Graham Crackers (for all your s'mores needs)