Nearly 11 years since we met.
5 years, 11 months, and 19 days since we had our first "date".
565 days since we got engaged.'s finally here.
When Michael and I met in high school neither of us ever could have imagined that we'd end up here-he was just the super funny senior who was king of the drama club, and I was just an annoying little freshman. But, nearly 6 years ago, a series of random events led to us having a 3 hour long conversation on fb chat and then-a couple days later-he took me out to lift my spirits when I was having a bad day. At the end of the night he kissed me and...that was it. A day later we were an official couple and a day after that he told me he loved me-and I said loved him back. We spent 2 years long distance before he moved to NYC to be with me. We then spent 3 years living in the city and loving each other more every day. And, about a year and a half ago, he finally proposed. Since then we got amazing engagement photos taken and I've been knee-deep in wedding planning. And all of that has led up to this...the day where I get to marry my favorite person on this planet. The guy who makes me laugh and smile and makes me feel safe and unconditionally loved every single day.'m getting married today. And if you want to keep up on social media with any photos from the day, just keep an eye on #kayleandmichael on twitter, facebook, or instagram!
AND-as of today I'm pretty much gonna be MIA on the blog until we're back from our honeymoon (next Sunday). I might try to share on social media when I have a chance so keep an eye on my instagram (let's be real-that's gonna be where I'm mostly sharing stuff :P) if you wanna see how much fun we're having in Riviera Maya! I'll miss you tons and can't wait to get back into the swing of things when we get back!
Posts from this week
Recipes from the blog that I made this week
Recent links bookmarked (visit my Pinterest for more)
No Bake Chocolate Covered Strawberry Pie (Chocolate Moosey)
I need to make this for Michael ASAP!
French Onion Mac and Cheese (The Hungry Couple)
Movies/TV Talk (assume there'll be spoilers)
Orange is the New Black-All I'm going to say is: as always this season was awesome. And, as always, I was left with the insatiable need for the next season. *sigh* ah well I suppose I'll need to be patient! (Things I liked: Morello getting married. Red getting her groove back. Backstories. Cindy becoming Jewish. Crazy Eyes being called Suzanne and writing awesome fanfic. Pennsatucky becoming a non-idiot and becoming friends with Boo. Stella. Things that bummed me out: Sophia's situation. Nicky getting sent to max. Bennett freaking disappearing!? Daya's baby's future being a giant ? The poor guards being screwed over this season. That gross donut lovin' rapist guard. Piper-just...Piper--I like her brother, though.)
Married at First Sight-GAHHHH. I'm very unhappy. one is together? That's BS.
Finding Carter-Well this season was mostly bleh, the finale really made up for it. I loved it. But...oh they all have a new brother to deal with??
Married at First Sight-GAHHHH. I'm very unhappy. one is together? That's BS.
Finding Carter-Well this season was mostly bleh, the finale really made up for it. I loved it. But...oh they all have a new brother to deal with??