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Saturday, July 8, 2017

Something Saturdays (7/8/17)

Holiday weeks are fun weeks. Holiday weeks are exhausting weeks. Saturday I was the head coordinator for a wedding that was lovely, but far away lol. Sunday I went to church with Michael and his cousin and her husband who are visiting from out of town, and then we all got brunch before coming home for me to be tired and Michael to write a paper for school. Monday I worked. Tuesday we celebrated the 4th with a pool party at my grandma's, which was fun! Wednesday I spent the day hanging with Michael's aforementioned cousin, and we had an awesome time. Thursday I just got some stuff done at home, and yesterday I had a doctor's appointment (baby is doing well!) and then I worked. Today is more work and then, *shrug*. We'll see! How did you all spend your holiday?

Instagram Latel(a few highlights from this week on Instagram)

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