Another breakfast recipe! Yay!
I don't know if it's just me, but I find breakfast to be the hardest meal of the day. If I haven't already made something specifically breakfast-y, I get...lost. I try to think if I want to like, make something, but usually I'm too lazy. I think about making toast or something, but that oftentimes is something I'm not in the mood for at the time or I'm out of stuff. So, anyhow, this is part of the reason I like to have designated breakfast foods made-to make my life easier come morning time. The "truffles" are really pretty quick and easy to make, they're extremely satisfying, pretty healthy, and you prob. have everything you need for them in your cabinets already!
I've been so busy lately, recipes like this are a lifesaver. I filmed a pilot for Comedy Central this weekend, I'm going to Maryland to finish (hopefully) shooting a short film and am recording my voice over demo this week, and lots of exciting things are happening with the movie I was in-You Can't Kill Stephen King. So, yeah, busy busy busy! But these little breakfast delights are easy easy easy!
One thing you should be prepared for--these are quite chewy and somewhat dry, so make sure to have some milk (or water if you're me) at the ready, you'll definitely want it.
Oatmeal Breakfast Truffles
Adapted from Oh Bite It's "Crunchy Oatmeal Breakfast Truffles"
- 1 cup cornflakes (or your fav. cereal), crushed
- 1 cup oats
- 1 cup peanut butter
- 1 egg
- 1 tbsp. cinnamon-sugar
- honey
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- Crush cereal and set aside.
- In a medium bowl, combine oats, peanut butter, egg, and cinnamon-sugar
- Roll mixture into golf-ball sized truffles, and coat in cornflakes.
- Prepare cookie sheet(s) with non-stick spray or parchment paper.
- Place truffles on the sheet(s).
- Drizzle honey over the tops.
- Bake for about 18 minutes (check on them after 16 minutes).

I also just wanted to give a big THANK YOU to Kim, from Treats & Trinkets, for nominating me for the "One Lovely Blog Award". Since I've already pretty much done all this stuff for other awards, I won't again. But, I had to share :).